Dr. Suad Mohamed

Suad aims to spread awareness about refugee and migration issues, to improve the healthcare and pharmaceutical systems in developing countries, and to empower women. She often quotes Oprah Winfrey: ‘You become what you believe.’
She has been a Board Member of the Global Somali Diaspora (GSD) since 2021, also serving on its Youth Committee. GSD advocates and promotes the full integration of Somali Diaspora communities within their host nations while also remaining connected to their cultural heritage.
In March 2023, she was awarded by the Austrian-Arab Women Physicians and Pharmacists Association on Women’s Day for her dedication to medical and humanitarian aid.

Interview of Former United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at European
Forum Alpbach in the context of a Sustainable Development Goal initiative
Interview of Pascal Lamy, Former Director General of the World Trade
Organization (WTO), at European Forum Alpbach
Intervention for COVINFORM – Sinus Institute (Germany), a research project analyzing the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on vulnerable groups and identifying strategies for inclusive and effective communication.
Message delivered at the 2024 Global Refugee Forum in Geneva, Switzerland:
‘Together we can achieve a lot!’ Click for the UNHCR page with the video.
A selection of ongoing global advocacy activities

Mar 24: Was a panelist speaker at Antwerp-University’s conference on the VHPB viral hepatitis B&C in Belgium.

Mar 24: Proud to see the Somalia Health Club now having 5.7K members.

Nov 23: Participated at Vienna JUUN Dialogue Conference together with Africa Union guests and African Diaspora in Vienna.

Dec 23: Was a panellist speaker at the nationwide exchange platform against FGM in Vienna, Austria.

Jul 23: Was a panellist at the World Youth Skill Day (WYSD) Conference at the United Nations, Vienna.

May 23: Was invited to speak with apprentices at the Austrian Parliament.

Mar 23: Moderated a Health and Well Being session at Twitter.

Jan 23: Was part of the European Summit of Migration and Refugee Conference in Berlin, Germany.

Mar 22: Have been a member of the UNHCR Refugee Team of Austria since March 2021. The Team meets regularly to ensure that perspectives of different communities are included in UNHCR activities. This photo is from the recent visit to Vienna of Deputy UN High Commissioner for Refugees Kelly T. Clements.

Apr 22: A social media posting from Deputy UN High Commissioner for Refugees Kelly T. Clements showing our meeting and quoting me.

Jun 22: Attended the International Conference on Diaspora Humanitarianism in Geneva, Switzerland by Diaspora Emergency Action and Coordination (DEMAC) and DCR. We discussed how diaspora engagement can be further reflected and integrated in the humanitarian system and how to build a related communication platform.

Dec 21: Interview with BBC Somalia in London about the Omicron virus and how it differs from the Delta variant.

Dec 21: Panelist on a BBC Somalia Twitter Space Discussion regarding Omicron; 400 in the audience.

Dec 21: Participated in ‘Migration in Focus: Addressing Informational Challenges in Humanitarian Actions’, a hybrid conference in Malta

Nov 21: The Somalia Health Club already has over 3,200 Members at Clubhouse!

Apr 21: Among the winners of the International Association of Youth and Students for Peace (IAYSP) Youth Heroes’ Awards.

Nov 21: Joined an EU advocacy training seminar by the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) in Brussels, Belgium.

Oct 20: Co-organized Somali Diaspora Engagement in European countries (online networking meeting)

Feb 21: Launch of VIDC’s report about the Somali community in Austria co-written by Suad Mohamed and Jamal Mataan

Mar 21: Founded the Somali Health Club to unite local and Diaspora health professionals in sharing information and promoting positive change.

Feb 20: Presenting at a Migration Symposium of the International Christian School of Vienna

Aug 20: IG Vienna Board Members welcoming Scholarship Holders to European Forum Alpbach 2020

Sep 20: Visiting Federal Minister Alma Zadic with IG Vienna

Jun 20: In an Austrian Red Cross studio (Roten Kreuzes Niederösterreich) filming a seminar about violence and Female Genital Mutilation for over 70 participants.

Jul 20: Continuation of my cooperation with VIDC (which started in Feb 20) to co-organize and moderate a major conference on the Horn of Africa and Somalia in Oct 20.

Jul 20: Due to the success of our first online event, we are now planning the next about the significant impact of Diaspora communities on economic, social and political development.

May 20: An image from ‘The Experiment’ film, which aims at confronting prejudices and extremism while building understanding. You can see the film here.

Jun 20: Joined the Black Lives Matters demonstrations calling for respect, tolerance and an end to systematic racism. 50,000 people were at this Vienna event.

June 20: Co-led an online event (with the Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation) in which Somalis shared best practices for outreach during the pandemic.

Apr 20: Supporting the NGO Aktion Regen in filming a public service announcement about a simple way to promote awareness about fertility and contraception. You can see the film here.

May 20: A close-up from the film which promotes knowledge and awareness for self-determined women. This is an extension of my outreach work regarding Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

May 20: Final group shot of the cast of ‘The Experiment’, in which I was happy to
participate. The premise is that ‘when we ask other questions, we see how much connects us.’

Jan 20: Attending “Cultural Management” at the University of Vienna. My project aims at building communication ties between migrant and/or refugee newcomers to Vienna and locals.

Jan 20: The graduation ceremony of the “Cultural Management” postgraduate program in which we gained strategic knowledge and practical skills in an interdisciplinary approach.

Feb 20: Many activities connected to my position as a Board Member of IG Wien. We are supporting scholarship holders at the European Forum Alpbach and organizing related events.

Nov 19: Delighted to be invited to be a Board Member of the IG Wien Initiative Group connected to European Forum Alpbach. The group is aimed at promoting diversity and open discourse.

Dec 19: Honored to participate in an Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) conference in Bratislava focused on young people’s perspectives on how to build a safer future.

Jan 20: In connection to the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens, I participated in the filming of a discussion segment on female empowerment to be used in a global online course.

Nov 19: The Telemedicine team formed at European Forum Alpbach this summer is making good progress with our project.

Nov 19: Speaking at the 10th anniversary of the Project Xchange and cross talk program of the Austrian Red Cross aimed at promoting integration.

Nov 19: Honored to receive the recognition as Ambassador of the Project Xchange program of the Austrian Red Cross from its Secretary General Michael Opriesnig.

Oct 19: Giving a presentation at the OSCE-wide Youth Forum in Bratislava.

Oct 19: This OSCE event was focused on engaging youth for a safer future (credit: Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens)

Oct 19: Taking part in the Certificate Course ‘Cultural Management’ at the University of Vienna Postgraduate Center

Sept 19: Participating in an EFA Learning Mission on the topic of Design Thinking

Sept 19: Pitching the Telemedicine group project during the FRANS competition at European Forum Alpbach (credit: EFA – Jannik Rakusa)

Sept 19: The Telemedicine team celebrates having won first place in the EFA FRANS competition (credit: EFA – Jannik Rakusa)

Aug 19: Meeting former United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (credit: EFA – Matteo Vegetti).

Aug 19: Interviewing former United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at European Forum Alpbach (credit: EFA – Matteo Vegetti).

Aug 19: Interviewing Pascal Lamy, former DG of the World Trade Organization at European Forum Alpbach (credit: EFA – Matteo Vegetti).

Aug 19: Joining the Fridays for Future march at European Forum Alpbach (credit: EFA – Matteo Vegetti).

Aug 19: Appearing on a panel about young people as agents of peace and social change at the IPI Vienna Seminar at the Federal Ministry of Austria for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs (BMEIA)

June 19: After delivering a German-language speech at KAICIID in honor of World Refugee Day 2019. (credit: KAICIID)

Mar 19: Suad with Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen at the Chancellery event.

Apr 19: Giving an educational workshop to members of the local community.

May 19: Speaking in Prague, Czech Republic on the topic of building an interreligious bridge of peace

Mar 19: Celebrating International Women’s Day 2019 and discussing SDGs with Austrian Parliamentarian Dr. Alma Zadić.

Mar 19: Attending Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen’s 2019 event for International Women’s Day

Mar 19: Suad appeared in the Austrian Presidential Chancellery’s 2019 video on female empowerment.

Feb 19: Addressing a conference at the United Nations Vienna. Suad discussed the power of tolerance and hope.

Feb 19: Participating in the 2019 Vienna V-Day performance of ‘A Memory, a Monologue, a Rant, and a Prayer.’

Feb 19: (Urdu-language) article covering the United Nations Vienna UPF event for World Interfaith Harmony Week at which Suad spoke.

Sept 18: Presenting a speech at the Diplomatic Academy (credit: Abdulla Abood).

Oct 18: Taking the role of a cultural ambassador in the Project Xchange program of the Austrian Red Cross.

Oct 18: Participating in a ProjectXchange and cross talk workshop at the Chancellery (credit: Carina Karlovits/HBF)

Sept 18: Filming an Austrian Broadcasting Corporation television segment on integration at the KAICIID Dialogue Centre

Sept 18: After speaking at the multimedia event on “Global Citizenship in a Time of War” at the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens (credit: Minji Kwag).

Sept 18: With the Second President of the National Council of the Austrian Parliament after an event showcasing young women who had escaped from war zones.

Mar 18: After an awareness-raising workshop at an employment agency. Emphasis on the value of people of a refugee background.

Mar 18: (German-language) interview with UNHCR Austria on the topic of International Women’s Day.

Aug 18: Recording in Somali for Diakonie Catastrophe Help.

Nov 17: Sharing her story and opinions about the refugee situation with Radio Orange.